1-Star Michelin Fine Dining French Cuisine is hiring. Let's join us!!!
** Supervisor/Captain **
** Sommelier/Assistant Sommelier **
Requirement 要求
- Diploma or above in hospitality is advantageous. 酒店及款待管理文憑或以上
- 2 years or above experience working in fine dining industry. 兩年或以上高級餐飲經驗
- The ability to work in a fast-paced environment. 能於節奏快速的環境下工作
- Excellent organizational, effective communication and exceptional customer service skills. 擁有出色的組織能力、有效的溝通和卓越的客戶服務技能
- Good command of English and Cantonese 懂英語及廣東話
- Closed on Sunday 星期日休假
- 12 Annual Leave 12天年假
- 6 rest days per month 每月6天休息日
- Tips 貼士
- Medical Insurance 醫療保障
- Dental Plan 牙科保障
- Free Duty Meal/Allowance 免費/膳食津貼
- Marriage Leave 婚假
- Compassionate Leave 補假
- On the Job Training 在職培訓
- Discretionary Bonus 酌情花紅