Job Description 工作範圍
- Deliver professional customer services through handling Inbound and Outbound calls
- 提供專業客戶電話服務 (接聽及打出)
- Supervise a customer services & telemarketing team
- 管理客戶服務及電話行銷團隊
- Proactively provide feedback to management level on improving customer service & telemarketing level
- 主動向管理層提出建議, 以提升客戶服務及電話行銷質素
- Answer inquiries and handle complaints from customers
- 回應客戶問題以及解決投訴
- Deliver upon quantitative and qualitative key performance indicators, in line with business strategies and regulatory requirements
- 配合業務方向及所有監控和服務規定,實現效目標和發展
- Monitor and analyze key performance indicators (KPIs) related to customer service and sales, such as call quality, sales revenue, hit rate, and call time.
- 監控和分析與客戶服務和銷售相關的關鍵績效指標(KPI),例如通話品質、銷售收入、成功率及通話時間
Requirements 入職要求
- At least 5 years of working experience at the managerial level in the customer services industry
- 最少5年銷售或客戶服務的管理級經驗
- Good command of spoken English, Cantonese, and Putonghua
- 良好英文, 粵語及普通話
- Proficient in PC Skills including MS Word, Excel, and Chinese Word processing (MUST)
- 熟悉電腦操作(MS Word, Excel)及必須懂得中文輸入法 (倉頡 / 速成)
- Strong interpersonal and communication skills
- 良好人際關係及溝通能力
- Immediate availability is preferred
- 可立即上班優先考慮
薪酬 | N/A |
工種 |
僱用形式 |
教育程度 |