Job Highlights 簡要
About Us 關於GEOX
GEOX is an Italian company renowned for its outstanding production of footwear and casual apparel for men, women and children with a strong technological slant. GEOX’s achievements are underpinned by its relentless research and use of innovative solutions that deliver breathability, waterproofness and cushioning. Protected at present by 61 different patents and 5 more recent patent applications, GEOX is a leading brand on the International Branded Casual Footwear Market.
Join a leading stylish and innovator footwear company, a brand well known for its unique proposition and reckon every day from thousands of consumers. We are one of the best places to work, face the challenge while enjoy the rewards, be part of one the greatest idea ever made. Whether you love to connect with consumers on the retail floor or you love to drive our products to new highs, we at GEOX, look forward at having you in one of our teams.
💡 地點 : 銅鑼灣SOGO
🕐 時間: 10:00 - 22:00 (每天工作6 - 8小時)
💲時薪 : HKD 70
⭐️請於履歷上列明申請職位,現職及期望待遇,並按 <立即申請 立即申請> 或 以下方法申請或查詢
📨 電郵 : [via CTgoodjobs 立即申請]
📱 WhatsApp : 5335 8389
☎️ 2107 1530 陳小姐
薪酬 | 70 以上 / 時薪 |
待遇 |
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工作地點 |
僱用形式 |
電話 |
聯絡人 |
工作簽證 | 只接受有工作簽證之人士 |