Job responsibility崗位職責:
1. 負責組織和籌備部門會議,準確記錄並整理會議紀要,管理文書流轉和檔案歸檔工作。
Organize and coordinate department meeting, writing meeting minutes.
Manage the logistic of official document and filing.
2. 撰寫部門工作總結、工作計劃等材料。
Prepare report of job summary, working plan, etc.
3. 編制部門內各項預算及簽報。
Prepare budget proposal.
4. 嚴格執行公文管理和保密規定,包括公文處理和流轉、文件傳閱、督辦及歸檔等流程。
Strictly implement regulations related to official document management and confidentiality, including official document handling, document circulation, supervise and filing procedure.
5. 負責部門的業務宣傳。
Enhance awareness of department’s policy/business.
6. 組織部門員工康樂活動。
Organize staff activities.
7. 協調日常後勤與總務相關綜合服務,包括收發室人員管理、來賓接待、物業服務聯絡、集中採購工作等。
Coordinate various logistic and general administrative services, including mailing and courier service, receptionist, guest reception, liaise with facility management office, procurement.
Other task assigned by the department.
Job requirements崗位要求:
1. 大學本科及以上學歷。
Bachelor degree or above
2. 擁有5年以上辦公室、行政部、人力資源部或檔案室相關工作經驗。
With 5 years or more relative working experience in Office & Administration, Human Resources or Document management.
3. 具備扎實的中文寫作能力以及出色的邏輯思維。
Excellent Chinese writing skills and logical thinking
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