In the heart of Tsim Sha Tsui fashion district, timeless European elegance and personalized service are always in style.
The Langham, Hong Kong is organizing Recruitment Day on
6 February 2025, Thursday
Time 時間:
10:30 – 17:00
Venue 地點:
2/F Function Rooms 2樓多功能廳 (The Westminster / The Knightsbridge / The Kensington)
Career Development Openings 事業發展機會
Food & Beverage 餐務部
The Food Gallery
Palm Court 廷廊
Stewarding 管事部
T’ang Court 唐閣
Western Kitchen 西餐廚房
Rooms 客務部
Housekeeping 客房部
Concierge 禮賓部
Front Office 前堂部
Finance 財務部
Chief Accountant 總會計主任
Sales & Marketing 銷售及市場推廣部
Engineering 工程部
Electrician Foreman / Technician 電器管工 / 技工
Senior / Duty Engineer 資深 / 當值工程師
Security 保安部
Graduate Trainee Programme 畢業培訓生計劃
Please check out the career opportunities here and share your development passion with us by joining Recruitment Day. For further enquiries, please call Human Resources at 2378-9385 within office hours. We are looking forward to meeting with you! 請細閲以上不同空缺機會,有意者請於當天指定時間親臨酒店,分享你的發展熱誠。如有進一步提問,可於辦公時間致電2378-9385向人力資源部作查詢,我們期待當天跟你一起面談,到時見。
Staff Benefits 員工福利
薪酬 | 薪金面議 |
待遇 |
工種 |
工作地點 |
僱用形式 |
教育程度 |